About the Course
Human Rights have been introduced to constitutional documents all over the world. Many international instruments and charters including U.N. Declaration of 1948 are all meant to uphold and implement Human Rights. Human Rights education therefore is getting primacy over other similar disciplines. Chapter III and IV of the Indian Constitution incorporate certain basic human rights. Policymakers and Educationists are considering inclusion of Contents of Human Rights into other Social Science Courses.
Brief Description of the Course
This Postgraduate Diploma Course has been designed keeping in view the interdisciplinary character and the broadest definition of Human Rights and Spirit of efforts of Dr. Ambedkar to achieve liberty, equality and fraternity in Indian society. The course covers the study of excluded sections of the Indian population in general and that of the state of Odisha in particular whose miseries and suffering are due to poverty, graded inequality and caste related violence. The pattern of the course being special in nature, provides adequate exposure to various theories and field techniques. It attempts at mainstreaming the concerns of the marginalized sections of people so as to facilitate implementation of social change and social justice. The medium of instruction of this course is English.
- To raise as well as train a group of Committed social scientists and human rights activists who can be the agent of social change and be instrumental in social development.
- To sensitize social activists, development workers and intellectuals irrespective of their ideological following.
- To instill a desirable qualification in students for employment purposes.
Eligibility – A Bachelors’ Degree in any discipline
Duration – One year (40 credits)
Total Seats – 20
Course Fee- Rs.5,000/-
Evaluation will be done on the basis of attendance (40%), assingnmets (40%) and a single comprehensive examination at the end of the course (20%).
Course contents
- The Ideas of Rights
- Human Rights Law in India
- Rights of Women & Children in India
- International Law
- Human Rights and Criminal Justice System in India
- Indian Condition and Human Rights Laws
- Rights of SC, ST and other Backward Classes
- The Context of Rights
- Field Work/Project Work/Assignments