Centre for Social Research (CSR) was established in 2011 to support and augment the research activities of its various Departments, Centres, and Projects. The specific mandate is to carry out pre-action, processual and evaluative studies intended for advocacy, policy-making and plan formulation. The research here concentrates on Tribal, Dalits and Minority Groups, Ethnographic Enquiries, Rural Transformation, Social Conflicts, Movements and Riots, Urban and Regional Planning, Literature and Social Consciousness, Human Resource Development, Education and Health.
Centre for Social Research in NISWASS is in the domain of theory and praxis and goes deep into issues and events, past and present to act as a guide to the future with a social focus on the target population. It enjoys the top priority in the Institute.
Along with multi-disciplinary research, the Centre has also lent its support to the students in various departments towards completing their Master’s and Doctoral dissertations. The Center offers a research environment with an array of research opportunities and options, facilities, and fosters a rigorous and independent research environment to ensure objective, relevant and unbiased analyses.
Centre runs a well-organized pre-Ph.D. course under Utkal University as its Centre of Research in Social Work. The course covers the concepts and methods of research including the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). This course is a combination of classroom lecture and learning practical experiences from the social laboratory. Besides undertaking research projects, the Centre also imparts short-term training programmes, seminars, and workshops; conducts certificate and diploma courses and arranges research guidance for individual researchers.