
Centre for Printing & Publication Projects

The Centre for Printing and Publication unit of NISWASS carries out both in house and outside printing work. The Centre is equipped with a web offset printing machine and other auxiliary equipment like plate making, screen printing, photography and colour printing. Apart from printing work, the centre imparts short term training relating to printing and publishing work such as Desk Top Publishing (DTP), Basics for Printing Sector, Screen Printing and Book Binding.


The Fourth World: The Journal of the Marginalised People

The Fourth World : the Journal of the Marginalised people, highlights the problems and prospects of the marginalised, deprived and excluded people in India and elsewhere. Through it NISWASS seeks to promote the understanding and appreciation of culture, as well as social, economic, and political reality in the Fourth World. It encourages serious debate among the intellectuals, political leaders, administrators and social activists about the problems faced by the people of Fourth World. The journal also analyses the factors that help or hinder the upliftment and progress of the people of the fourth world. So far NISWASS has produced 38 volumes of the journal.

The Fourth World: The Journal of the Marginalized People appears biannually in April and October every year and brings into sharp focus the various aspects of the existence of the poor and the marginalized people the world over, in general, and in India, in particular.


ChaturthaViswa Magazine in Odia

A bi-annual magazine “ChaturthaViswa” in Odia is being published to act as the main instrument for dissemination of development message to the people of the fourth world. This year the fifth issue of the magazine was released. The contents of the journal includes essays, poems, short stories and translated articles from different languages into Odia version. A dedicated group of 50 writers have been regularly contributing to this very popular magazine.replica rolex watches melbourne
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