Digital thinking, Design and Production

Our world is changing, and digital technology is having a tremendous impact on all spheres of our life. In today’s world, people around the globe are utilizing communication technologies to create better communication, instant access to information with greater choice and ease. While technology is providing ease of access to education and training while enabling students and aspiring professionals more efficient; technology is also altering the work culture and professional practices in the forms of performance, accountability, and responsibility. The impact of technology on education and training is inevitable, and the demand for the digital literate workforce is on the rise. Digital technologies are primary now and permeate every sphere of life, and digital jobs will be available across all industries and sectors.


Centre for Digital thinking, Design, and Production at NISWAAS aims at enabling students to prepare for the multimedia world and digital technologies. Students must foresee that content will rule; creativity and effective communication skills will be more critical in the media future; and the real challenge will be to create, market and deliver content to meet consumer demand. It is in this context that Centre for Digital thinking, Design, and Production at NISWAAS will focus on the key areas such as content management and production, social media and community management, digital communications, big data and analytics, data visualization and information design, user experience and user interface design.


Centre for Digital thinking, Design, and Production at NISWAAS offers following short-term certificate and diploma courses:


  • Web, app development, gaming, user experience, interface design, analytics, and insights
  • Digital marketing, e-commerce, web analytics, and SEO
  • Graphics, design, CMS, content creation, curation and planning, and writing for social media

These courses will be conducted by the senior industry professionals, and upon successful completion, students can pursue their future careers at technical, business and creative levels.